The end of Midori no Hibi
Midori no Hibi ended in the last issue of Shounen Sunday, at a total of 85 chapters. :( Oh well, we all knew that the story wasn't one that was designed to be stretched out.
So, I'm putting finishing reading volume 7 on increased priority, because I want to read the ending quickly. I got through an entire two chapters today, heh.
I'd... comment on a few of the chapters, but my mom stole my digital camera.
Wow, Kawashita-sensei does some neat sketches sometimes. I laughed out loud when I saw this one, heh. Fits the chapter title though, I guess.
the other side of midori-chan!
So, because of my odd reading habits, I have... read the first half of Midori no Hibi volume 5, the first half of volume 6, and the LAST half of volume 7. Heh. For v5/6, it was a case of only having one book on me at the time I wanted to do some reading, and for v7 chapters, I was buying April-May Shounen Sunday, you see.
So, yeah, I'm starting to fill in those gaps right now.
This picture is great though:

uh oh!
viva street date violations!
Two days before the street date in Japan!
Thank god for foreign bookstores and street date violations!
I had to pay the straight-through-the-nose air import rates, but I figured since a) volume 11 is where I stopped reading the stupid LQ jump scans at, and b) the bragging rights were worth it, I forked over the cash. HK$52.40! I am dangerous right after payday, I tell ya.
(yes, this means I did finally manage to cash that damned cheque.)
more splurging
Well, I kind-of-sort-of went broke doing it, but I've completed my collection of Midori ni Hibi up to the currently released tanks.
Or I would, if I could remember where the hell I put volume 6.

This picture still looks mildly impressive with it absent, though.
I think I left volume 6 in Shenzhen, but I'm not entirely sure.
I also got around to picking up this:
Initially I wished they still had copies of volume 2 left, but
in light of what happened afterwards, it turned out somewhat in my favour.
If they had vol 2 in stock, I might have inadvertedly left myself with only
HK$30 (~us$3.80) to feed myself for the next two days instead of the HK$90 I have right now.
Mmm, Ichigo goodness~

Yay! They're finally here!
Well, my bastard importer finally called me today and told me my manga was in. Finally, after well over a month!
I was hoping to meet
Finalpro during his short stay here anyway, so I tried to coax him out for my little manga pickup visit. He agreed, so off we went. When I got there, I made sure to bitch out the guy first ("2-3 weeks my ass!"), but the sight of the manga soothed my mood somewhat. ;)

The pain!
I... was going to talk about Midori no Hibi volume 6. I've finally started reading after having bought it, like, a month ago.
I can't, however, because I'm suffering from major intestinal pains, and taking a picture of the pages I want to talk about, cleaning them, translating the text and editing them in, and then posting them up is a little beyond what I'm at a capacity of doing right now.
I'm skinny enough as it is, and I have
wisdom tooth dental surgery scheduled in a week. This is the worst time to be having indigestion, damn it.
Aishiteruze Baby volume 5
Gotta have my fix of shoujo manga. <_<
We find out a little more about Kippei's brother Satsuki, or something. He seems... terribly deadpan. And Kippei comes to save Kokoro-chin from that stalker bastard, yay!
It's not much of the cliffhanger for the next volume like vol 4 was, though. Somebody needs to take more lessons in trying to keep volume sales up. ;)
Hahaha, that was great.